Blog Post 6: English Language Challenges


In my experience, I think that learning English at university has been very gratifying, because before starting to study in anthropology, my English was very bad and I couldn’t speak o write in English, and for read, I always had to use a translator, and all was very complicated for me, study a subject in English was a real torture. Today, I can read more fluently and I use a translator for search some specific words, and I can speak some sentences and explain some ideas speaking or writing. About the blogs, they help me for redaction, because before write blogs, I had to write all sentences with a translator, and today, I can write a paragraph without help of translator, and although without a perfect redaction, I only utilize a translator for some words that I don’t know, because I don’t have a big vocabulary yet.

In my opinion, I think that the aspect that’s more difficult for me is speak in English and talk fluently, moreover, I have to improve my vocabulary about everyday situations, because I think that for me, speak with a native English speaker could be very difficult yet. Despite this, I feel very interested in improve my English, and I hope to continue studying English, because I want have a good level, my main goal is write, read and speak fluently with a native speaker.

Finally, outside English class, I use English every day, because there are many subjects in the university in which there only are papers and books in English and there aren’t translations in Spanish, mainly in the subjects related to archaeology or about specifics topics like lithic analysis, archaeobotany, or pottery. In the past, read about this topics was a torture but today I enjoy it a lot. Moreover, I love much listen music of many styles and countries, and a lot of this music is in English. Today I understand more what it express and this music makes more sense for me.



  1. It is great to be able to use English after not understanding it. It will certainly help you a lot in your professional training.

  2. For anthropology it is very important to be able to understand English, since there are many papers and information that are in English, and when translated sometimes the ideas are not the same, which makes it possible to misunderstand ideas


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