Blog Post 4: Time travel to the past or future

Hi, today I will talk about travels in time. If I could travel in time, I think that I would travel to three events, two events in the past and one event in the future.

First, I would travel to the prehistory, to the moment when the Mesoamerican societies developed the corn. I’m very curious about this event because the corn was created by crossing of two wild plants, and this process is still unknown. I be interested in this event because I love much think about the technologies and knowledge that the ancient societies had about the nature and the biodiversity, mainly, because the cross of species it is still very difficult even by own technology in the present.

Secondly, I would travel to the past, to the moment when my grandparents were young, because they died when I was very young, and I would like talk with them. I’m be interested in my grandparents because they lived in a rural context very isolated, without access to electricity, drinking water, cars or refrigerators, in a very different world from ours and whit other forgotten tools or technologies, I would like know their knwoledge about the nature and environment.

Thirdly, I would travel to the future, in a moment in which the humans have solved these problems about the climate change, biodiversity extinction or lack of water. I would like talk about this people and known their ways to solve these problems, their technologies and their societies and economic strategies. And I would like known that problems they have in the future.

Finally, I would like return to the present, I enjoying life now, even with all problems that we own.  I think that we live in a critical but interesting time for the humans.



  1. wow what specific moments! it would be very interesting to know more about the domestication of corn.


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