Blog Post 1: A country you would like to visit


Hi everyone

I would like write about Brazil, because is the country I would like to visit. I visited this country once in 2019 and I was really impressed with its cultural diversity and landscapes. Its cultural variety impressed me because in this country there are population descendant of Indigenous, Europeans and Africans since the colonization process, and descendant of Asians since the last century, so, in Brazil practically live people from all the continents. Also, the indigenous populations are very different among them just like their languages, traditions, world interpretations and relationship with the nature, so, this is very interesting for me like an anthropologist. Besides, its vegetation is stunning and there are many vegetal kinds very plentiful and entirely different than Chilean vegetation. For this reason, I would like live and study in Brazil in the future, because the Brazilian anthropology has studied thoroughly the relationship among indigenous or rural populations and the nature, the forest or the biodiversity, and I want consecrate at the archaeobotany in the future. Additionally, I practice Brazilian Jiu Jitsu some years ago, and I would like to train this sport in Brazil, their country of origin.




  1. I have never visited Brazil, but it looks very beautiful in the photos. Hopefully you can specialize in archaeobotany, it is very interesting and entertaining :)

  2. I hope can to read the text you will write about this interesting country in the future!


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