
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Blog Post 5: Changes to my study program

In my case, I graduated from university seven years ago, I studied physical anthropology in Universidad de Concepcion, and actually, I studied archaeology in Universidad de Chile, that’s why I will give my opinion based on my experience in both universities. However, according to me, the study program of own this university is very completed and updated. About the curriculum, anthropology has changed a lot in these years, the principal change is the increase in interest in applied anthropology, and own study program is more focused to in this topic too, but I think that in archaeology is needed more subjects about applied archeology like environmental impact, forensic archeology, etc. Secondly, I think that in archaeology is needed to focus more in laboratory analysis in subjects like archaeobotany, zooarchaeology, pottery or lithics, with specialized laboratories about these subjects, because archaeology is increasingly its interest in this analysis, moreover, is needed more field

Blog Post 4: Time travel to the past or future

Hi, today I will talk about travels in time. If I could travel in time, I think that I would travel to three events, two events in the past and one event in the future. First, I would travel to the prehistory, to the moment when the Mesoamerican societies developed the corn. I’m very curious about this event because the corn was created by crossing of two wild plants, and this process is still unknown. I be interested in this event because I love much think about the technologies and knowledge that the ancient societies had about the nature and the biodiversity, mainly, because the cross of species it is still very difficult even by own technology in the present. Secondly, I would travel to the past, to the moment when my grandparents were young, because they died when I was very young, and I would like talk with them. I’m be interested in my grandparents because they lived in a rural context very isolated, without access to electricity, drinking water, cars or refrigerators, in

Blog Post 3: My Dream Job

Although I would like much work as an archaeologist in the future, I think that one job that I would like to have some day would be to work as a forest ranger in a government park, preferentially in the mountains. I would like to work as a forest ranger because I love much the landscapes of the mountains and I like trekking and climbing, and I think that this job is very important for protect and study native forest and the biodiversity. Skills needed for this are a good physical condition, knowledge about animal and plant life, and aptitude for be isolated a long time, mainly in winter. About the salary, I know some people that work as a forest ranger because in my region there are some government parks, and their salary isn’t little, although I think that it’s a little salary for so much sacrifice. However, I don’t love this work for the salary. For work as a forest ranger no specific major is needed, only a major related to natural science is needed, or even related to social scie